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2020 Circular Agriculture Train Departs for a Tour around Taiwan


Council of Agriculture (COA) Deputy Minister Chen Junne-jih announced at a press conference on Oct. 6 the launching of the 2020 Circular Agriculture Train which departs on a tour around Taiwan. There is a total of 18 stops and events that run through Taiwan following an 8-shape route ending on Nov. 3, which signifies an infinite cycle representing the core objective of circular agriculture: “Circular Resources and Sustainable Environment”.

2020 Circular Agriculture Train Departs for a Tour around Taiwan

Deputy Minister Chen explained that both the New Agriculture and the Circular Economy plans in the 5+2 Industrial Innovation Policy promoted by the government, can be realized through the re-utilization of resources which may effectively relieve the problem of waste and pollution by extending the life cycles of resources. Thus a new economic model called “From cradle to cradle” is created. The COA has classified Circular Agriculture as one of the key programs and has listed 3 primary objectives to be completed in order to achieve sustainable agriculture: 1. to avoid wasting resources through rationalized fertilization and precision breeding management from the source; 2. to reduce waste production through the re-utilization of agricultural materials; 3. to create industrial chains for circular agriculture through the development of value-added technologies and recycling.

COA Deputy Minister Chen Junne-jih speaks at the press conference.

COA’s Livestock Research Institute Director Huang Jeng-fang stated that the implementation of circular agriculture relies on interdisciplinary cooperation and the concept of resource sharing. Since 2017, the COA has integrated the technological and research capabilities of all its research institutes (agricultural, forestry, fisheries, and livestock), district agricultural research and extension stations, and various academic institutions for the purpose of executing the Circular Agriculture Resource and Industry Innovation Program. The COA also expects to promote the core concept of circular agriculture and the program’s achievements to the public as well as the industry through a series of demonstrations or seminars aboard the 2020 Circular Agriculture Train Project. The ultimate objective is to create a ripple effect, earning recognition and approval, and thus attract more people and industries to engage in and support circular agriculture.

The Circular Agriculture Train event starts on Oct. 6, and is set to carry out 18 events promoting the importance of circular agriculture.