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1. Revised Article 5 of the Regulations of Recreational Fishery.

2. Typhoons Kalmaegi and Feng-Wong hit Taiwan in early and mid-July and respectively caused NT$1.2186 billion and NT$1.12632 billion in damages to agriculture and private structures. Calculated together, the total damages were high enough to trigger cash relief payments for Yunlin, Hualien, and Tainan counties and low-interest loans in Yunlin, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Hualien, Chiayi, Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua, Nantou, and Pintung Counties. For those areas where damages were not high enough to trigger automatic cash relief, local governments and the COA experimental farms sent out personnel to perform on-site surveys. On June 11, 2008, the Agricultural Natural Disaster Relief Act was expanded to provide assistance to those producers found to have sustained extensive damage.

3. Revised the Schedule of Protected Species.

4. Announced that in order to ship plants and plant products from Kinmen to other regions of Taiwan, goods must have passing test results and be accompanied by a proof of origin certificate confirming they were produced in Kinmen of local materials. 

5. Created a group tasked with penning and implementing measures related to mainland Chinese tourists.

6. Allowed two fishermen’s associations in Changhua and Taitung Counties to add branches to their credit bureaus. 

7. Sent representatives to WTO meetings, a G-10 department head meeting, and meetings among new WTO member nations.

8. Held the 2008 Agricultural Technology Trade Exhibition.

9. Attended the Bio Taiwan 2008 Exhibition.